HML shall not be liable for any loss , including but not limited to incidental or consequential damage for injury to persons, products, buildings, contents of buildings, or any property; or for any other direct, incidental or consequential loss (including loss of profit). Any remedy against HML whether derived from warranty or otherwise shall be limited to as specified herein to repair or replacement. In no case will the liability of HML exceed the price of the goods

The information contained on this website has been obtained in good faith from sources believed to be reliable. HML does not represent that the information is accurate or complete and the contents should not be relied on as such. Due to the nature of a website, being a work in progress, upon any error with content, pricing or otherwise we reserve the right to withdraw any item from sale or correct product details

HML does not accept responsibility where reliance is made on the contents of this website. Product specifications and prices may change at any time without notice.